Terms of Use
The Transformation and Seecue web sites contain information that is valuable and subject to international copyright, trade mark and patent agreements. To use any of the information on these site you must obtain permission from an authorised company official of Transformation Systems Pty Ltd or Seecue Pty Ltd. The Seecue site has been established to develop synchronised streaming digital media and text in an on-line broadband environment. It's basic functions are being extend, refined and adjusted on a daily basis. |
Testing on the Seecue Web Site
When you interact withour web sites and provide video data, we will do our best to retain your video for a period if you let us know. Please enter a retention period in the text information when you upload or edit your files. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that the files will be retained as this is a development site but we will do our best to meet your testing requirements. If your testing involves multiple countries or translations we would like to hear from you. Unicode fonts such as those used in Sanskrit and simplified Chinese characters are supported. Some testing is being done with Vietnamese language translations as well. If you have suggestions for further development or features we would like to hear from you. Please email us at mail@transformation.com.au, referring to SeeCue in the subject line. Contact Transformation Management Services Transformation Systems information is here. |