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Corporate Background

Transformation Systems has been providing quality innovative systems and advice to government and the private sector since 1993.

The client base of Transformation Systems includes major financial institutions, national property managers and Government organisations, insurance and health industries. Most of these clients have high volume transaction based businesses.

Transformation Systems is part of a larger consultancy group that enables it to draw on additional expertise in software development, quality management, change facilitation, economic analysis and business process re-engineering.


Michael Hall is Managing Director of Transformation Systems. He began developing applications for process improvement for the Victorian Government in the early 1980's. He is an experienced senior manager with post-graduate qualifications in psychology and management. He has a special interest in B2B (busines to business) and B2G ( business to Government) web applications..

Nerida Wallace is a lawyer, consultant and author with skills in system analysis and change management. Nerida is managing director of sister company Transformation Management Services.

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